Gaps in Philippine healthcare abound. As many as the number of seas that divide the islands of our archipelago. In the field of cardiac imaging and echocardiography, these gaps are represented by the unanswered questions of today: “How many echo labs are there in the country? How many sonographers and physicians are available to provide quality imaging and information? Is the expertise well-distributed? Do some Filipinos still lack access to quality care? What can we do to help?”

Relevant and timely information help bridge those gaps. This nationwide survey on echocardiography seeks to provide the baseline information that will hopefully drive policy and ultimately improve patient care.

The Philippine Heart Association Council on Echocardiography teams up with the Philippine Society of Echocardiography for this worthwhile endeavor.

Wouldn’t you want to pitch in and be part of this national effort?

All for the Filipino Heart.

Click here to join the survey!